Buenas Artes features Celeste Lecaroz in “11+1 Art Discourse” on February 22

In celebration of the He-Art Month, Fernando B. Sena’s Buenas Artes Art Facility will feature “11+1 Art Discourse with Celeste Lecaroz” on February 22, 2020, Saturday, from 1:00 to 4:30 PM. For more details and slot reservation, contact: (02)75875853/ (0917)1393905/ (0916)7081380.

As we celebrate the He-Art Month, join us at Fernando B. Sena Buenas Artes Art Facility on February 22, Saturday from…

Fernando B. Sena Buenas Artes Art Facilityさんの投稿 2020年2月1日土曜日
