Lecaroz featured in JAAF and Gateway Gallery’s “Women in Art”

In celebration of Women’s Month March, the J. Amado Araneta Foundation and Gateway Gallery celebrate and honor Women in Art.  To run all Wednesdays of March, the event features one remarkable woman artist each week, specifically linking their art advocacies.

First in the line up is visual artist Celeste Lecaroz who shares her advocacies through  her stunning pieces in pastel and spontaneous realism.

Among her best-known works are: the Kobe Bryant “Mamba Forever” tribute portrait that went viral, and portraits of Philippine presidents Manuel L. Quezon and Corazon Aquino; all three are rendered in spontaneous realism and are now part of the public domain for free use by any art or history enthusiast. Celeste’s pastel renditions of turn-of-the-century Filipinas celebrating sisterhood are also among her most loved creations.

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